Why Do Onions Make You Cry?

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If you’ve ever sliced or chopped an onion before, I’m pretty sure you’ve already experienced at some point that sudden feeling of your eyes stinging and tears running down your face. Now you might wonder why cutting one can make you cry.  Well, let me tell you a secret. It comes down to fascinating biochemistry. […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Biology (2022)

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A lot of people are driven by curiosity and always have that thirst for knowledge. Learning science is an incredible way to quench that desire to discover truths about the world around us.  Through science, we get to seek answers through experimentation and observation. It also helps us form the world we live in today […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Teaching Math Skills (2022)

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Math has a reputation for being one of the most challenging subjects for most students. From attention difficulties and learning gaps, to lack of practice, there are many reasons why Math can be difficult for some. This is why it’s important to expose students early on and inspire their love of math to develop the […]

Should Pets Be Allowed In School?

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There are many exciting ways to help students engage and learn at school—from incorporating games, hands-on projects, student collaboration, or field trips—you name it! By doing these things, teachers can make learning fun and help students rediscover their love for learning.  A common debate that’s been gaining popularity is whether to allow pets in school. […]

Would You Eat Lab-Grown Meat?

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Consumption of meat, such as beef, pork, and poultry, has always been a big part of most people’s daily lives. And for the past decades, consumption of it has increased dramatically worldwide. As the demand for meat consumption continues to grow globally, so does the need to produce them. However, scientists believe consuming too much […]

Rats Have Rhythm And Can Dance To A Good Beat

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The sound of music has always made people move along to the beat. I’m quite sure you’ve already experienced that urge to dance upon hearing your favorite songs. From tapping, clapping, nodding, bouncing, and bopping, we let our bodies move along with the rhythm.  But aside from humans, some animals are also known to dance […]

Top 13 Best Anime

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This is for all the anime lovers!!! What are the best anime? What are the most popular? What has the best storyline? I ran a poll at my middle school on the top ten anime, and here are the results. Discuss in the chat below about your favorite anime!! Enjoy!!! 1. Death Note When a […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

Where did Pumpkin go?: Re: Where did JD go?

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If my “Where did Pumpkin go?” post was posted you’ll know what this is. But instead, this is about @jd2005, another OG that has gone inactive. Usually, he/she would be on most of the time Just like @pumpkin is. His/her case is more serious. He/she hasn’t been on in 7 months, 4 weeks ago, almost […]

An 8-year-old Boy Becomes The Youngest Person To Ascend El Capitan

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For hikers and mountaineers, El Capitan, or El Cap as it’s better known, is widely considered one of the most brutal climbs in the world. It’s also the world’s largest granite monolith (a large single upright block of stone), rising 3,600 feet on the north side of Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park. According to […]

What Happens In A Butterfly’s Chrysalis?

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How in the world do those little caterpillars turn into a beautiful butterfly? Exactly what happens in the chrysalis? A butterfly starts as a little egg. Then that egg hatches to be a caterpillar. Then all that caterpillar does is eat and eat and eat for days. Once that caterpillar has eaten and grown enough, […]


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Do you like snakes? I love snakes! Some snakes are used for pets. You may not like them, but they are helpful and can keep pests like rats and mice from getting out of control and doing harm. The picture you see is a corn snake. They can live in temperatures ranging from 85 to […]

Are flowers Art?

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Do flowers have art? The answer is yes! Natural color and form helps them grow. Examples of flower art are all around us with organic geometric shapes and colors that you will love. If you see flowers, think about art first. Please comment below with your thoughts and pictures of flower art.

Rats Wearing Backpacks Are Trained To Rescue Earthquake Survivors

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Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods occur yearly around the globe. And sadly, many people are gravely affected, and some lose their lives due to these incredibly destructive disasters.  For earthquakes, it’s a painstaking task to perform search and rescue operations for survivors in collapsed structures. But a group of scientists already devised an […]

What If People Lived in Floating Cities?

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Throughout history, humans have been confined to landmasses when establishing permanent settlements. But what if that’s all about to change? What if humans took to the sea, not only to explore it, but to- settle it? If the Seasteading Institute accomplishes its goal of creating the first permanent cities at sea, your future could involve living […]

Dogs Can Smell When We’re Stressed Out

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Are you having a rough day? Whether it’s a change in routine, homework load, tricky math problems, or deadlines, everyday life can be quite stressful. But what if I tell you dogs or man’s best friend can know when people are stressed? Yes. You read that right! A dog (if you have a pet at […]